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The Pardoner's Tale 

Story by Geoffrey Chaucer


The Plot Review 


The Pardoner's Tale is very odd and Ironic. The plot in this story is they all die by there own despair. They try to attempt to kill each other to clam the gold. The main point in this story is do not go looking for death or death will find you . 

Character List

  • The Pardoner

  • The Three Rioters

  • The Old Man

  • The Little Boy

  • Death

Pardoner`s Tale.jpg

Analysis of Major Characters 

  • Pardoner- The Pardoner effects the story by being the Narrator 

  • The Three Rioters- The Three Rioter are the main characters of the story. Where they try to kill death but end up killing themselves.

  • The Old man- The Old Man in the story represents DEATH.


If you go looking for death, You will find it.

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Motifs and Symbols 

Motif- Death leads to more and more death

 Symbols- The old man that represent death. When he points them to death which is in the forest.

Important Quotations Explained

"I'll search for him, by Jesus, street by street. God blessed his bones! I'll register a vow"

Explanation: That they want to stop death no matter what it takes. They are putting the Lord into this to give them strength to find death. In the story they are drunk saying all of this.

" If it be your design to find death, turn up his cricket way. Towards that grove, I left him there today, Under a tree; you'll find him waiting."

Explanation: This is the Old Man talking to the Three Rioters where death is.

"Lord , to think I might have all the treasures to myself alone!"

Explained: The youngest Rioter is getting greedy to kill his friends for the gold. 

Three Study Questions 

  1.  Where were the Three Rioters when they heard the news about their friend?

  2. Where and Who were they told to find death?

  3. Which Rioter bought the poison?

  4. What happen to the Three Rioters at the end?

  5. Was the Pardoner truly evil or just drunk?

  6. What's the message?

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